Sponsor the Gospel in Russia
When you sponsor Light to the World Christian Academy, you give students much more than an education. Less than 1% of all Russians have received Christ as Lord. For many of these students, attending LTTW will be the first time they have heard the good news - that God loves them enough to offer the free gift of salvation to them. By sponsoring LTTW with a minimum commitment of $40 a month, you will have the opportunity to correspond with a student and their family by mail, and you could even take a trip to Kostroma to visit them!
To sign up or for more information on how you can sponsor Light to the World Christian Academy
and correspond with a student, please email info@mission2russia.org or click here to begin sponsoring a student today!
You can still give toward the Academy and support staff and students even if you can’t sponsor on a monthly basis.
All funds given toward the LTTW Sponsorship purpose are sent to the school.